General instructions Avances en Ciencias e Ingenieria (ACI)

General instructions
Authors must follow the standards and recommendations established in the journal’s web in order to submit the works to be considered. Works which do not comply with all the necessary requirements shall be not submitted to process. Editor reserves the right to reject any submitted works which do not comply with the standards. Any communication, works’ submission and/or questions shall be addressed to the Chief Editor of «Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería» to the e-mail: and/or
The official language used in the journal is Spanish; therefore, it must be fully written in that language (except for the title, abstract and key words which must be in English, too, and are in the first page). Words or terms which do not have a respective translation are excluded. It is recommended that authors, whose native language is other than Spanish, make their papers reviewed by a Spanish native speaker before submission.
A copy of the paper must be sent in Word format (MS Office) and PDF, via e-mail together with a presentation letter (indicating to the Editor that the paper could be considered for possible publication in the journal), which must include the formal Ethical Commitment stating that the work to be submitted has not been published or is not being considered to be published by another journal (aspects described in Copyrights and Ethical Commitment). Besides, the pertaining payment (essential requirement) must be attached according to the number of pages.
Special care should be taken in the size of the submitted file (specially inserted figures that must be inserted in jpg format), ensuring that the manuscript (text, drawings, tables and/or mathematical expressions) do not exceed 2 MB.
Author shall be responsible for the quality and originality of his/her manuscript, apart from ensuring that it is an original contribution and it had not been published before, which absolves EBS of any responsibility.
Only complete works shall be accepted, which extensions shall be between 5 and 25 pages, in accordance with the standards and defined sections that are standards in any publication (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, etc.).
Since works shall be evaluated by their peers (peer- review) and also considering that manuscript topic is author’s domain, it is essential that authors suggest possible reviewers for the work (at least four). Said reviewers shall not belong to the same institution as the authors and, as far as possible, they could come from other countries (they can be non- Spanish speakers as long as they understand Spanish being able to make their comments in English). The information to be sent for suggested reviewers is the following: Name of reviewer, Institution the reviewer belongs to, country and e-mail. The work is sent to be reviewed for at least 4 reviewers appointed by the Editor (they can be some of the reviewers suggested by authors or they cannot). Once comments and evaluations are received, accepted works are sent to authors for them to make the pertaining corrections. Reviewers’ name and affiliation are kept strictly confidential.
Only the works that comply with the established requirements on the articles’ preparation (work submission, presentation letter and ethical commitment, suggestion of reviewers and accredited respective payment), shall be submitted to the evaluation process (see section «Article Evaluation and Final Versions»).
For communication purposes, it is recommendable that authors can indicate two e-mail addresses in order to minimize e-mails reception problems that may arise.